Ptosis/Droopy Eyelid Surgery

Cosmetic eyelid surgery

What is Ptosis/Droopy Eyelid Surgery?
Ptosis(pronounced toe-sis, the P is silent) is when the eyelid rests too
low in relation to the pupil. As we age, it’s common to develop ptosis which can make us look tired and impair vision in some cases.

While aging is the most common cause of ptosis, it can also be congenital, due to eye surgeries or occur following facial trauma. There are several ways to repair ptosis and the only way to determine what will work best is to have a detailed examination. The goal of ptosis surgery is to lift the eyelid’s position in relation to the pupil by tightening one of the muscles that lifts the lid. Skin removal, or blepharoplasty, will not accomplish this.

frequently asked questions

Take a closer look

Should I have an Oculoplastic Surgeon perform my Ptosis/Droopy Eyelid Surgery?
As the Treasure Coast’s only board-certified ophthalmologist with two years of subspecialty surgical training in ocuplastics, Dr. Vickers can address both the functional issues, as well as the cosmetic issues. He treats each case of ptosis individually. The patient’s eyelids and medical history are evaluated to create a unique plan tailored to meet his or her specific needs.

Read more about Dr. Rob Vickers

Will I be sedated for the procedure?
How long does the procedure take?
What is recovery like?
There are multiple surgical techniques for ptosis repair, some of which include an external incision, some of which are performed internally with no external incision or scar. Dr. Vickers will perform a thorough exam and formulate the best treatment plan for your droopy lids.
How long does it take to heal?
The normal recovery time from ptosis surgery is less than one week, although bruising may last for several weeks.

